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Bringing The Kingdom of God through an Automotive Platform

Jan 25, 2020

 Live from 1st Christian Church in Kernersville. The 2020 Mens Summit. Restoring Biblical Manhood.. Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.

Jan 18, 2020

Robby talks about how God gives us ways to recognize our blind spots. He was very candid about his own blind spots, but reveals a prayer to help tap into Gods provisions.

Jan 11, 2020

Robby talks about the stories that have shaped who we are..Broken hearts, stolen trust and healing. Callers shared their intimate stories. And Robby shared his story, a real "life trial"

Jan 4, 2020

What's the secret for 2020? Well listen to Robby and Bill and you might just find out! Here's a hint for you though, it probably has a little something to do with the movies Pollyanna and Good Will Hunting.